Amazing Wedding Rings for Christians

Amazing Wedding Rings for Christians

I have a serious allergy to metal (I know, the list is quite long) and my husband and I had a lot of conversations about wedding rings before deciding what to get. My husband works with his hands every day and, well, I’m a mom…do I need any more explanation? We looked into so many options from platinum that is said to be “allergy proof” but horrifyingly expensive all the way down to silicone and everything in between

Silicone rings are becoming a new trend these days and let me tell ya… I understand why! They are inexpensive, flexible, and easily replaceable if they break or get lost. Not all silicone rings are the same, though. We have tried a few different types. A couple of name brands, and some off brands as well. I can tell you hands down that what we have settled on as our favorite by far is one we love so much I can’t help but tell you about it.

What are my favorite wedding rings?

Groove Life is a Christian company that, according to their website, “exists to serve people, inspire adventure, and reflect God.” We read this and it definitely grabbed our attention! There are not many companies out there that will boldly proclaim their faith like this and openly found their business on the Lord. I am all for supporting businesses that are unashamed about the Lord and operate under Biblical principles. Groove Life really does an excellent job from our experience so far.

What I love about these wedding rings

The silicone their weddings rings are made from is un-mazing, breathable, flexible, comfortable, and strong. Others I have tried were too firm, trapped water underneath badly, and stretched out incredibly easily. I have had NONE of these issues with my Groove Life ring. I’ve been wearing the same ring for a long while now and it feels the same as the day I put it on and I barely even feel it. It doesn’t slip or trap much water underneath, is really easy to clean, and it doesn’t have any weird smells that happened a lot with my other silicone signs.

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They also come in a ton of fun colors and patterns for both men and women. There are flat colors, NFL styles, Marvel designs, and tons of fun patterns. The bands themselves even have a few different styles and sizes which makes finding the right ring a personal process for each person. I also REALLY loved being able to make custom rings through their website! I made my husband a ring for Christmas that allowed me to pick the colors, add an emblem, and even words – so he now sports a ring that reminds him to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:13).

What’s included?

Each ring comes with a little tin keepsake box, and all the fun patterns make it easy to change your ring to match your outfit or occasion. I can’t recommend this brand enough! I am loving everything about it so far. Not only do they have incredible products, but they are a Godly company and not afraid to proclaim it. Sounds like a double win for Christians looking at wedding ring options, or rings for any occasion!

Where can I find these wedding rings?

Shop for your wedding rings, day-to-day rings, and their line of watch bands on their website or on Amazon. They are well worth trying out! This is a company and product I definitely love to support.

How we started to read the Bible as a family

How we started to read the Bible as a family

Whether you’re married, have kids, living with your parents or other family members you know that it can be tough to find meaningful things you can do together, that you all enjoy. For us, the go-to for a long time was watching movies or playing a videogame together, but it’s still tough to create time daily to focus on one another in a meaningful way. We recently began to read the Bible as a family, It took some doing to make it a habit but I am so glad we did.

During the pandemic, you would think it would have been easier to do, but honestly, I think that we spend so much time together that we tend to spend a lot less quality time with one another. It hit me like a brick house a few months ago that I was getting far too distracted and not focusing enough on my family. I knew I needed to fix this asap so we started getting intentional about being in scripture together every day, even if only in little doses.

We all love to spend time together, but our hobbies are all different so it is really challenging to find common ground on activities we will all enjoy doing together. I prayed over how to get us together every day even just for a few minutes, and God has worked on us to create a nice little routine that all of us enjoy and I can see already is easily evolving as we grow. Every day we do three things that have helped all of us so much, and our home feels much closer and more peaceful.

Read a Passage a Day

One of the most beautiful things you can do is read the Bible as a family. It honestly took us a long while to get into this habit, but a few months ago the kiddo and I first started reading a Psalm a day in the mornings before she starts school and I start my work for the day around the house and community.

I got her an Inspire Creative Journaling Bible for Girls to match my Inspire Bible and we have really enjoyed starting in Psalms and plan to move on to Proverbs next. This gives us an awesome chance to bond in the Word in the mornings to set up our day, and also get a little bit creative in scripture as well.

Reading a passage a day with my kiddo has been amazing. It gets us both in the Word every morning, and also gives her the chance to read with me and ask questions about what we are reading. Sometimes we have long conversations about what the passage means, and sometimes it’s quick. Either way, we have set our focus on God for the day.

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I can say without a doubt this has helped us both a lot to have this time together with God. Whatever stage your family is at, I encourage you to read a passage as a family every day. You can use a reading plan, or just open to wherever you’re feeling led that day. Let God lead the way and the passage every day and watch as He works in you and your family through the shared experience of being in scripture together on a regular basis.

Read a Devotional or Study Together

At the time we began to read the Bible as a family I was reading an amazing book with our Vineyard Women’s group, called Battle Plan for Prayer. I was loving this study so much, and my kiddo and I had also just started a prayer journaling routine in the mornings, so I thought this would be an amazing opportunity to share with my kiddo and help her learn more about prayer as well. We started reading together at bedtime, and now my husband (who is not a reader) also joins us and we make it a family bedtime story routine.

This has been so amazing, and we have gone through several devotionals by now. Sometimes we take turns reading and its been a great way to focus on one another while we learn more about God and His Word together right before bed. Some are super short, some have been really long, and we just dive in where the Lord leads.

So far for our family, we have loved Max Lucado’s books. We’ve gone through several by now and for us, it’s been perfect. Our kiddo is still young and in early stages of learning ab0ut faith, and it’s been awesome to have a nice devotional style for my husband and me every day as well.

How do you choose the right study or devotional?

Choosing the right devotionals for your family should be done prayerfully, and remember it’s okay if you start one and realize it’s a bit too advanced for all family members. That’s happened a couple of times for us. (I was a bit too excited to get into C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity only to find out it will be one I read on my own, which, hey, no complaints here!! I love to read!) We ended up saving that for later and grabbing one that is at a more appropriate level for us.

My husband and I also have a Small Group study we do together every week which has been amazing and gives us lots to pray, think and talk about all week long. Studying with my husband has also meant so much to me, as we get to be in the Word together with a couple of friends and learn more about one another and first and foremost about God. I highly recommend this for every couple.

Praying as a family
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Pray Together Daily

As well as read the Bible as a family, we pray together as a family. This is definitely the most vital part. Praying together as a family is imperative. Not only is it necessary for us to be daily communicating with God, but we can also set an example for those in our family who are newer in faith, and praying with and for them every day helps to strengthen our relationships with our family as well as with God. (Remembering you are talking to God, not your family.) Praying as a family is powerful.

We pray before every meal, even little snacks, and pray constantly throughout the day. My family has set the precedent that when someone is praying nearby, all of us stop what we are doing and pray as well. We hold prayer to a high level of importance in our home. It took quite a while for us to get into this habit, and it took an especially long while and lots of patience to teach our kiddo the importance of prayer, but diligence has paid off and we are now a household that constantly stops to pray together often every day, and I can tell you this is such an incredible blessing.

How has it helped to read the Bible as a family?

Being in the Word on a regular basis, making time consistently to pray and study together, has been really helping all of us to grow in faith, in relationship with God, and with one another. We have had so many more meaningful conversations about faith, God and scripture, our home feels so much more peace, and we are teaching our kiddo to be unafraid of asking questions, value scripture and prayer, and grow in her own faith. It’s been such a beautiful journey so far and I know we have so much ahead of us.

I cannot recommend highly enough that all families, whatever your family’s dynamic, read, study and pray together constantly in intentional and meaningful ways. Remember, you have time, and you choose how you spend your time. Will you choose to prioritize God and His Word in your home and family?

My Morning Routine with God

My Morning Routine with God

My entire life I have been a night owl. I had never been a morning person. Even being a mom, waking up early happened only when it was necessary for the kiddo or for work, but never voluntary. With that, though, my day always started really late, and then I was up late. Unfortunately, I was opposite my family’s schedule, and enjoyed my time at night playing games, reading, and hanging out with friends online. I didn’t have much of a morning routine.

This made me realize a few things that I now see was without question God letting me know I needed to make some changes. What I thought was for my family was even more so for my faith and my relationship with my Heavenly Father, and has, in turn, benefited my family and my relationship with them.

I am no longer a night owl, but I’m not even upset about it. Honestly, I don’t miss it (often). Sometimes, very rarely, I stay up late (which is now only about 10 pm where it used to be like 2 am), but usually we are all early to bed and early to rise. Why is that? Why would I change this habit I loved of staying up late and sleeping late into the morning?

She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.

Proverbs 31:15 ESV

Why did I change my morning routine?

Last year I revisited Proverbs 31 and God renewed my desire and mission to be the woman He has called me to be. I am a wife and mother, and first and foremost daughter of the One True King, my Heavenly Father. He has placed me here to tend to my family, including to rise early to care for them, which begins with caring for my relationship with God.

This struck me. As time went on God led me to create a morning routine that centers me on Him each day and equips me to better serve Him and care for my family.

Now, if you don’t have a family or others to care for, this still applieswe are all the bride of Christ. This is the way a Christian should live; not grudgingly, but gratefully because we have a Heavenly Father whom we are called to serve out of love for Him, and also serve those He places in our care, whomever that might be. But it begins with us, and our personal relationship with God. In order to serve God well, we must grow with Him daily.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Philippians 4:6 ESV

We must all remember that everyone’s relationship with God is unique, but that some things are the same. We will be called to the same great mission in our own unique ways in which God equips us. For me, this morning routine is what helps me start my day growing with God and I pray this will encourage and inspire you to grow with God daily as well.

Proverbs 31 morning routine
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Prayer in your morning routine

At the beginning of this year, I was feeling incredibly convicted about prayer. When I had started streaming on Twitch we eventually began to pray together every day, live and on camera, and I started to learn more about prayer. I studied prayer deeply in scripture, began praying with and for others daily, and learned a bit more about praying for myself as well. But let me tell you, building a prayer routine? That was a tough one, but something God put on my heart to do – and I am so grateful He did.

And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.

Mark 1:35 ESV

When I had felt this draw to be more intentional and strategic with my prayers I didn’t know what I was in for. I really didn’t like the idea of a prayer journal; that felt too personal – what if someone else saw it?? But the idea of just keeping a list felt far too impersonal.

I searched and searched for some different books and journals online, though, to see what other people were doing. I scoured Pinterest, asked a couple of friends to pray with me about it, and eventually, I saw where God was taking me.

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words

Romans 8:26 ESV

What I needed to learn first is what I believe we all need to learn first – prayer is supposed to be about your personal and intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father. It is not about you, nor others, it is about God. It is to grow with God, grow in faith, build and strengthen your relationship with Him through intentional and constant communication with Him.

What that means is there is no “one size fits all”, but there are certainly practices we can all benefit from in our prayer lives. So, while I would like to share what has worked for me, I would like to encourage you to prayerfully consider how God may be guiding you to a stronger prayer routine to be more intentional about your time with Him.

Recommended for learning more about and diving deeper in prayer:

Write your prayers

Writing prayers is so powerful. It helps me to focus more on my prayers, be more intentional, and also be able to go back through old prayers to see answered ones and pray over older ones again. I prayer journal directly to God. It is like a letter I am writing to God, or like passing notes as if He is right next to me. Prayer journaling has been a huge blessing for me and allows me to connect with God in an intimate and personal way.

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

Jeremiah 33:3 ESV

Some people love bullet journaling, some write novels every day, some love to doodle or downright paint the whole page. Whatever God leads you to with your journaling, go for it! Rock it out and pray for God to reveal Himself and draw you closer to Him in the personal and intimate ways He wants you to grow in a relationship with Him.

“And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.

Matthew 6:7 ESV

If writing them down on paper is not your thing for whatever reason, there are some really incredible online tools that can remain private. My favorite is through the YouVersion Bible App. They have so much to offer, and one thing is their digital prayer list which can be kept privately in the palm of your hand. This may be a good toe-in-the-water to help you feel out writing your prayers down in some private format.

Creating a prayer list is also really helpful if you aren’t much for writing. Having a list of names or things you are praying over can help you set your mind and heart on those things and people in your prayer time.

My Prayer Journaling Staples:

Make time for prayer

I know – your day is just SO busy! How could you possibly make time for anything else?

Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Matthew 26:41 ESV

If God is truly a priority in your life you will prioritize Him in your day by making time for Him first thing and throughout. I have started getting up at about 5:00am before my kiddo gets up to have some quiet time with God before I start my day.

This changed my whole morning routine to make sure I have quiet time to spend with God every day. I hold to a principle that I will not say “I don’t have time” – I have time, and it is my choice how I spend my time.

When I do wake up later, I still make sure I take my time to spend with God, and I let my kiddo see it. She now has her own prayer journal and spends time in prayer, building her own morning routine with God. I’ve enjoyed watching her grow in faith and prayer, and develop a better routine with God as well.

You have time – how are you choosing to spend it?

That is not to say you should create unhealthy habits in order to make time for prayer. We should all prayerfully consider how and when God would like us to shape out a part of every day to spend specifically with Him. How can we expect a relationship to grow, to strengthen, to be healthy if we don’t prioritize it and make time to have meaningful and intimate time and conversations within that relationship? The same is true with our relationship with God, and our relationship with God should be placed as #1 in our lives, above all other relationships.

If we make time for friends and family, even ourselves, how much more important should it be to make time for God?

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I tried so many different prayer journals and I could not find any that allowed me to really make my prayer time personal. They all felt very fill-in-the-blank and check-the-box, but I needed intimate, personal, creative, and expressive. I wanted space that helped me intentionally and strategically pray, but that gave me the freedom to pray intimately. I then created my own prayer journal and fine-tuned it through many trials, errors, prayers, and studies. You can grab a printable copy of my prayer journal as well to help you get more out of your prayer life.

Read the Bible in your morning routine

After I have prayed for as long as I need and feel led to, I whip open my Bible. I love to have a variety of Bibles. Sometimes I crack open a study Bible, sometimes one with lighter devotionals, sometimes a journaling Bible, sometimes just a raw Bible with no commentary or extras. I use whatever I am feeling led to that morning. I’ve loved using reading plans and have started creating my own for the books and topics I feel led to specifically study and read through.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

2 Timothy 3:16 ESV

I also particularly love a newer routine of reading a Psalm a day with my kiddo before we jump into the day’s activities. We both have an NLT Inspire Art Journaling Bible that we can get artsy in worship to God while we study a Psalm together – bond together as we bond with God. It’s been a beautiful way to begin every day.

Afterward, she gets started on schoolwork while I jump into a personal study. I am in love with the new NIV Verse Mapping Bible (even if you’re not an NIV fan, check this one out…for real. I expect to write a post dedicated to it before long it is that amazing!), and I am also just starting a study on Elijah by Priscilla Shirer with our women’s fellowship group, the Vineyard. It is amazing and I highly recommend it. You’re also welcome to join us if you haven’t already!

Use a Bible plan

I love being in the Word of God every morning for as long as God leads, and in whatever way or place He calls me to. I let Him lead the way every morning and prayerfully dive in deep to learn whatever He is revealing to me that day.

Planning out a scripture reading plan ahead, though, helps me be more intentional about spending this time with God every morning. I have a special place in my planner to include what I plan to read each day. Sometimes I stick with it, sometimes I’m led elsewhere, but having a plan helps me get organized and be more dedicated to reading my Bible every day. I have found the Orderly Life Planner to be so insanely helpful in not just planning life stuff in general, but helping me build, follow and keep up with my morning routine with God.

But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Matthew 4:4 ESV

Studies that I loved for my morning routine

Start every day in the Word of God.

Whatever else you do each day, begin your day with the Lord. Pray intentionally. Make time for Him, spend time in His Word, and let Him reveal to you whatever He has waiting for you. Beginning my day not-so-bright but very early has been an immense blessing for this life-long night owl and I am so grateful He led me here. Don’t be afraid to make your own morning routine with God.

For those who are like I was, not ready to rise early, to sacrifice sleep, or to put time with God ahead of the to-do list – I encourage you to surrender all of it to Him and let Him lead you where He knows you need to go and where only He can take you. Trust your Heavenly Father to help you, guide you, and strengthen you. Trust that in prioritizing time with Him, He will guide you in rightly prioritizing the rest of your time and tasks as well.

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13 ESV

Grow in your faith with a morning routine with God

All of these tools have helped me to dive deeper as I grow in my faith, but I want to stress that all you need is time – and trust me, God has given you plenty of it, no matter what the world teaches you. Choose to spend time with God every day however He calls you to. He earnestly seeks intimate time with you every day and He should be rightly prioritized every single day.

When God placed it on my heart to get more intentional about making time for Him every day I began the journey of developing the right tools to help me. Over time and with the help and guidance of the Lord I have put together three tools that have been game-changers for me. With them, I have been able to get my routine in order, be realistic about my time and priorities, plan out my studies, be intentional and strategic about prayer and Bible study, all of which have helped me grow in my personal faith and relationship with God.

If you’re here reading this, you likely are looking for some inspiration and maybe a bit of help getting your own routine or life in general in order. If that is you, I pray you would be blessed by prayerfully considering these faith-focused printables that have helped me so much in my own morning routine and relationship with God.

I invite you to tell us how we can pray for you, and what you are studying. We’re here to grow with God as we grow with one another as the Body of Christ. Come back and watch for future studies, reading plans, and more as well. There’s always more to study and learn!

6 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Reading the Bible

6 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Reading the Bible

When I started reading the Bible I honestly had no idea what I was in for. I didn’t grow up reading, let alone studying, the Bible and did not pick out my first Bible until I was in my twenties. I remember looking through so many options of Bibles and I was incredibly unsure of what the translations meant, why anyone would ever need a study Bible, and how or where I should even begin.

I finally built up the courage to pick out and purchase my first Bible and would sit in bed late at night after my daughter was asleep and read it. As someone with a terrible memory, I naturally began taking notes, marking up words and phrases that confused or intrigued me, and the stress I had felt when building up to that point melted away as I learned to spend time with God for the first time in my life.

Everyone starts somewhere, at some point in time. How I started likely looks a lot different than your own journey, and that’s part of the beauty of it. Reading God’s Word is your quality time with your Heavenly Father and is unique to your personal relationship with Him. There are many things I wish I’d known when I began reading the Bible, and that’s what I’d like to share with you. I had no Christians in my life and am grateful looking back that I didn’t have someone to ask how to start reading my Bible, so this post likely isn’t going to be what you’re expecting.

There’s no “right” order to read the Bible

One of the first questions I hear from those who are new to reading scripture is where they should begin. Nearly every Christian has their idea of the perfect book, chapter or passage to begin with. Personally, I’m grateful I didn’t have anyone to make suggestions to me. The guidance I always love to give is to pray over where God would have you begin.

when I started reading the Bible

For me, God led me to two places; Job and 1 Peter. For me, God knew this was exactly what I needed, but these are never on the lists of recommended passages to start with that I have heard. Remember, your relationship with the Lord is your own – let Him guide you from the very beginning. He knows what you need, and where you will find it.

Once you’ve gotten started, let Him continue to guide your reading and study. I definitely recommend eventually reading the entire Bible cover to cover, but how you do that, in what order, the depth and time you take to get there should all be unique to your needs in your time with God.

You’re not going to learn everything the first time through

I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve read certain books and passages in the Bible and every time I read them again I learn something new. God is continuously revealing to me what He knows I’m ready for in His timing. There is no such thing as reading any of scripture enough or too many times. We should be seeking to constantly learn and grow in our relationship with and knowledge of God through His Word, wherever He guides us to read and study. Always be ready and willing to learn from God’s Word no matter how many or few times you’ve ready any given passages.

The translation does matter…but maybe not how you think

You’ll hear all kinds of opinions about translations, and all kinds of reasoning behind these preferences. I’ve learned over several years in scripture and studying the backgrounds of many common translations that yet again this is something each believer should choose prayerfully.

My first Bible was an ESV. I loved it! Over time I ended up using a variety of others, some I liked and some I didn’t. What I’ve come down to is that when I learn the origins and purpose of a translation (who translated it and why), as well as the type of translation it is, I am able to better choose the translations I use, which ones I like to companion together, and which ones will help me with different types of studies. It also helps me understand why there are so many different translations and lead me to make a more educated decision about my primary translations.

I’m a firm believer that we should be diligent in researching the backgrounds of translations before choosing to use (or not use) any of them. I have loved studying a variety of translations and plan to study more as I discover them. We have a whole category devoted to studies on Bible translations if you’d like to use our studies as a launching point to help in your own investigation!

when I started reading the Bible

Study Bibles are not scary…but choose wisely

My first Bible was a cut-and-dry Bible. Nothing fancy, no commentary, no notes, just God’s Word. It was enough, and it IS enough. You’ll likely find people who are adamantly for or against Study Bibles (and Bible studies, for that matter). The thing about study Bibles is that we should always have discernment when choosing and using them. There are so many different kinds out there, but again choosing any Bible, as well as study Bibles, prayerfully is essential.

Study Bibles provide some additional insight about what you’re reading. This can be extremely helpful for some, and can also be a stumbling block as well if we’re not careful and prayerful. Remember that God’s Word is enough – all things should be filtered through the Word of God and we must ensure any commentary we are using in our studies line up and are Biblically accurate. We must also be careful not to put whoever’s name is on the binding on a pedestal and let them, or their interpretations, become idols and stumbling blocks.

That said, when approached with appropriate discernment and prayer, study Bibles are incredible tools. I absolutely love having a variety of different study Bibles to help me in a multitude of study types and topics. We should be sure we’re focusing on the Word of God itself first and foremost and using the study notes to aid us in our study. Commentary is not scripture; it is like having a theological study buddy on hand to help you dive deeper into the Word.

I have quite a few different study Bibles and you can check my top 5 favorite study Bibles and why I love them so much!

  1. NIV Cultural Background Study Bible
  2. NIV Quest Study Bible
  3. NKJV Lucado Encouraging Word Bible
  4. NKJV Study Bible
  5. NKJV Women’s Study Bible

Marking in your Bible is perfectly okay, and totally optional

From the get-go I wrote in my Bible. It felt a little strange, but not all at the same time. I was embarrassed about it at first but I knew it was helping me and that I needed it. Writing in your Bible certainly isn’t for everyone, but there’s nothing wrong with doing so. For me, I see it as a way to more intimately connect with God while in His Word. This is my time to talk with Him and for Him to speak to me through His Word. Writing notes on the pages helps what God is revealing sink in, to remember it better, and to remind me when I come back to it again. It’s amazing to get to go back to some of my old notes from years ago when I first started reading scripture and reread my notes on the pages. Its helped me a lot in my journey.

There is nothing wrong with writing in the pages to help you absorb what God is telling you through His Word. One worry I have always had is that I don’t want to feel like I am destroying the pages because of using the wrong pens and highlighters. I have tested so many to find pens and highlighters that don’t bleed through the pages and have come to love these pens and these highlighters hands down above any other for writing in my Bible. A lot of people love color coding but I just love having all the fun colors for whatever is on my heart to use at the time.

Always have pens and a notebook (and sticky notes) handy

when I started reading the Bible

Like I said, writing in your Bible is perfectly acceptable. I also wish I’d been better about writing notes in a keepsake notebook dedicated to study notes. I didn’t start this habit until years later but truly wish I had done this from the start. Even if you’re not a notetaker, having a notebook handy to write down questions, key phrases or verses you want to remember, prayers as you study, or whatever else God puts on your heart is so valuable, and again, a way to get more intimate and intentional in your study time with God.

I always have a notebook, sticky notes and lots of colorful pens handy. I often use sticky notes to carefully stick on the Bible pages to keep a lot of my notes within its pages, but heavily use my notebooks as well. It’s been a game changer for me.

My favorite note-taking tools

when I started reading the Bible
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There’s not really a right or wrong way to get started reading the Bible, but I remember the daunting feeling before I did actually get started. Over the years I have met a lot of Christians who have asked questions about how to get started and truly, these are the words of wisdom I wish to impart on them. What I would say it all really boils down to is that your time in the Word is personal time for you to spend with God. Spend intentional, personal, intimate time with Him daily and let Him lead the way every time.

If you have any other tips you wish you’d known, or would like others to consider when starting out please feel free to share below in the comments!

My Top 5 Favorite Study Bibles

My Top 5 Favorite Study Bibles

Deciding on the right study Bibles can be really difficult. There are so many to choose from, so many different translations, a variety of devotional styles, focuses, purposes, and factors to delve through. If you have never owned a Bible, let alone a study Bible, then you may be overwhelmed by the choices available. How could you possibly choose? How do you know what one is the right one?

I bought my first Bible only about 7 years ago now and I had no idea there were so many options. In fact, there weren’t so many options! Now I love to nerd out in the online bookstores and when this whole COVID-19 gunk is over with I am so excited to get back to perusing the Bible book aisles of the local bookstores! My inventory is growing and I have grown to appreciate the variety of Bibles available. I want to recommend my favorites to you in hopes it may help you decide on your first, or next, Bible!

top 5 favorite study Bibles
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NKJV Study Bible | Thomas Nelson

NKJV Study Bible | Thomas Nelson

The NKJV Study Bible by Thomas Nelson has been my absolute favorite for deep-dive Bible studies. It is jam-packed with wonderful commentary, articles, Biblical definitions, images, outlines, and more. It has an awesome subject index, maps, and even a concordance in the back.

One of my favorite things about this study Bible is that it doesn’t have the fluffy, foo-foo style a lot of study Bibles seem to have, and doesn’t have an opinionated tone either. (Don’t get me wrong, I love some of the foo-foo ones as well, but there is a time and place for those).

NKJV Women’s Study Bible | Thomas Nelson

NKJV Women’s Study Bible | Thomas Nelson

Speaking of foo-foo, NKJV Women’s Study Bible from Thomas Nelson is an absolutely incredible study Bible for women. This was my first experience with a Bible specifically for women and I fell in love with it. I feel like it is the right mix of foo-foo and cut-and-dry. By that I mean it doesn’t feel overly fluffed up, and all the fluff is warranted and backed up by scripture.

This study Bible is not the kind of women’s Bible that plays on feelings and is fantastic for anyone who would like to dive into scripture to learn more about being a Biblical woman. I have pulled this out when studying with my husband and used a lot of articles and notes from this Bible for many of the studies throughout the blog.

This was my favorite personal study Bible as I got familiar with studying scripture. It is the one I typically take to church and Bible studies with me. This Bible is a wonderful day-to-day study Bible for any woman.

The Lucado Encouraging Word Bible | Thomas Nelson

The Lucado Encouraging Word Bible | Thomas Nelson

The Lucado Encouraging Word Bible from Thomas Nelson is by far my favorite personal Bible these days. I love Max Lucado’s books and was so excited when he launched this devotional-style Bible. I bought one as soon as it was available and have no regrets.

Along nearly every page Max Lucado has a devotion to go along with the passages to help explain the relevance and importance. He does such a wonderful job of making things relatable while also encouraging readers to really go deeper into the Word. In the back, there is a fantastic 30-day reading plan, as well as some other goodies.

This Bible is great for Bible students at any stage, whether just starting out with study Bibles or reading of God’s Word, or whether you have been studying the Word for years. It’s a wonderful devotional style Bible to have on hand.

Quest Study Bible | Zondervan

Quest Study Bible | Zondervan

I have had my Quest Study Bible from Zondervan for quite a while and love to dive into it for practical application types of studies. It is a wonderful study Bible to companion with other types of study Bibles. It’s very cut-and-dry, and I love how easy it is to navigate.

It is a bit more condensed than most of my Bibles but it doesn’t feel like it when you open it up. It has the margins nicely lined up with Q&A format notes, and some expanded articles on the bottom. I really love that the notes are addressed in Q&A format throughout. It makes it pretty easy to find what you’re looking for, helps you dive deeper into scripture & navigates some great practical application for what God is telling us through the Word.

Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible | Zondervan

Cultural Backgrounds Study Bibles| Zondervan

The Cultural Backgrounds Study Bibles from Zondervan is a wonderful asset to have. One of the things we should all be aware of is the culture of Biblical times in order to help us better understand what is written and what we can learn about God through His Word. The fact that so much of the culture was different does not mean it is not relevant.

There is so much to learn from studying the cultural aspects of scripture, and we also learn how similar today’s culture is in a lot of ways. Regardless, it is a valuable piece to learn as a student of the Bible. This study Bible has been a huge help and asset in my study and a wonderful companion to my other more broad-scope study Bibles and resources.

What are your favorite study Bibles?

I have a growing collection of study Bibles and these five are absolutely my favorite, hands down. They have added so much depth to my study, and I certainly feel I have grown in my knowledge of the Word, as well as of who God is and who He says I am.

Please feel free to let me know what your favorite study Bibles are as well as any questions you may have about these wonderful resources!

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